Our Sunday School hour runs from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. When you arrive, you and your family will be greeted and directed to a variety of classes where you can informally study the Bible with other members of our church family. Our Adult Bible Fellowships (ABF) provide you with the opportunity to look carefully at the Bible’s teaching on topics such as marriage, parenting, finances, or doctrine. At the same time, our nursery ministers to children up to 2 years of age and our children's classes instruct pre-school through sixth-grade students.
Between Sunday School and the Worship Service, there is a brief time for fellowship over a cup of coffee to allow you to get acquainted with members of our church family.
At 10:45 a.m. we gather in the auditorium to sing, pray and hear God’s word together. Our services usually start with a reading from the Bible followed by a time of congregational singing. During the service there may also be some announcements regarding upcoming church events, testimonies as to how God is working in the lives of our church family, or special prayer requests given by a member of our leadership. A hallmark of our Sunday gatherings is the preaching of God’s Word. Every week our pastor strives to help us better understand God’s Word by teaching us directly from the Scripture (usually working through a book of the Bible). Children of all ages are welcome in the service at the parent’s discretion, but children’s ministry is provided for children up to age 6.
We hope to see you soon!