our Leadership

Jesus Christ is the Lord and head of this church and He rules primarily through the Scriptures.

The biblical offices in this church are pastors and deacons, but the church is governed by the congregation. Therefore, the government of this church will be defined as pastor-led, deacon-served, and congregationally-governed.

The biblical terms “pastor,” “elder,” and “overseer” are understood to refer to the same biblical office. All pastors-elders-overseers possess the authority and gifts of pastors, whether or not they are paid by the church.

The authority of the church is in the authority of the Word of God. Therefore it is only declarative and ministerial. This means that the church only proclaims and applies the doctrines taught in God’s Word. The church must bind the conscience to the Word of God and must never bind the conscience according to our own opinions.

  • Pastor Bryan Heller

    Bryan has served as a pastor at GLC since January 2006. He has a passion to see God glorified and Jesus exulted in and through the church. In 2015 he was appointed to the primary preaching role at GLC and currently serves in this role to present the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word to every area of life and to point people to the glorious superiority of Jesus Christ. Bryan completed his undergraduate degree in Sacred Music at Northland International University in Dunbar, WI and his M.Div at Faith Bible Seminary in Lafayette, IN. 

our Deacons

  • Richard Fears


  • Tyler Hunt

    Deacon - picture coming soon

  • Keith Lehmann


  • Ken Lehmann


  • Scott Lehmann


  • Deangelo McGhee

    Deacon - picture coming soon

  • Jim Reid

    Deacon - on sabbatical

Our Ministry Leaders

  • Kavonte Johnson

    Pastoral Assistant / Elder-in-training

  • Kristi Lehmann

    Children’s Ministry Coordinator

  • Patti Kline

    Nursery Coordinator

  • Trevor Lehmann

    Worship Team Leader

  • Elaine Heller

    Women’s Discipleship Coordinator